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A web·guide to the glocal environment




Key milestones in elephant conservation @ Great Elephant Census

     · Important milestones in elephant conservation from the 1500s to 2016 with accessible links to

     key conventions and issues.


Elephant Information Repository

     · Dated, but a trove of historical info

Elephant poaching statistics @ Poaching Facts

Ivory trade @ Foundation Franz Weber (FFW)

"28 Worldwide Elephant Charities That Are Making A Difference" @ Elephant & Co.

World Elephant Day

International organizations


     · Elephant species profiles     

     · Monitoring the Ilegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE)

           · Tracking system designed to monitor trends in the illegal killing of elephants and how it builds management capacity. 

     · Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS)        


✔︎Info@⇾"These 5 Sanctuaries are Dedicated to Saving Abused and Neglected Elephants"

Elephant Whispers Sanctuary

Ecotourism & volunteer opportunities

Elephant Poopoopaper Park [Thailand]

Elephant Volunteer Programs @ GoEco


Reading list @ Global Sanctuary for Elephants



Journal of African Elephants

Institutions ~ Governmental

USFWSAfrican Elephant Conservation Fund

Institutions ~ General & international

Association of Zooz & AquariumsElephants


David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

     Elephant conservation

     iWorry campaign

Elephant Action League (EAL)

      · Now Earth League International

Elephant Care International

Elephant Voices

Global March for Elephants & Rhinos

Global Sanctuary for Elephants

International Elephant Foundation (IEF)

Save the Elephants

Tufts Elephant Conservation Alliance ("Jumbos for Jumbos")


Wildlife Conservation SocietyElephants



Institutions ~ African elephants (Loxodonta africana & L. cyclotis)

96 Elephants @ WCS

African Elephant Coalition

Elephant Aware

Elephant-Human Relations Aid (Namibia)

Elephants without Borders

Great Elephant Census

Mali Elephant Project @ WILD Foundation

African Elephant Action Plan

Institutions ~ Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)

Asian Elephant Specialist Group (AsESG)

Elephant Conservation Center

Elephant Valley Project (Cambodia)

Uncle Elephant @ Wild Earth Allies

Institutions ~ Private sector

Elephant & Co.

Sissel Tan of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2019.

Elephants ~ Proboscidae

This page covers websites related to the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elaphas maximus)  

     and the two species of African elephants (Loxodonta africana & L. cyclotis).

Contents of this page:

     · Timelines

       · Information

         · International organizations

           · Sanctuaries

             · Ecotourism & volunteer opportunities

               · Bibliographies

                 · Periodicals

                   · Institutions

                       ~ Governmental

                       ~ General & international

                       ~ African elephants

                       ~ Asian elephants

                       ~ Private sector