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Aarhus University

     Department of Biology

          Center for Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World

Aberystwyth University

     Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences

Alabama, University of

     Environmental Science Program

Alaska at Fairbanks, University of

     Water and Environmental Research Center

Alaska Pacific University (APU)

     Environmental Public Health

     Marine & Environmental Sciences

     Sustainability Studies

Alberta, University of

     Alberta Land Institute

American University

     Center for Environmental Policy

     Environmental Science

         · Degrees offered in left navbar

     School of International Service

          Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment (FCEA)

               Academic Working Group (AWG) on Climate Engineering Governance

          Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy

Anglia Ruskin University

     Global Sustainability Institute

Antioch University

     Environmental Studies & Sustainability

Appalachian State University

     Appalachian Energy Center

Arizona, University of

     Resilient Infrastructure Laboratory

     James E. Rogers College of Law

          Environmental Law, Science & Policy

     School of Natural Resources and the Environment

          Climate Change and Society Minor

     Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy

Arizona State University

     Biodesign Institute Center for Environmental Health Engineering

     Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security

          Spatial Hazard Events and Losses database (SHELDUS)

     Global Institute of Sustainability

     Ira A. Fulton School for Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

     Morrison Institute for Public Policy

          Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University

     Polytechnic School

          Environmental and Resource Management Program

     Urban Climate Research Center

     Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN)

Australian National University

     Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

B     [🔝]

Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de


Bard College

     Center for for Environmental Policy (CEP) & Graduate Programs in Sustainability (GPS)

     Environmental and Urban Studies (EUS)

Baylor University

     Department of Environmental Science

Bethlehem University

     Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS)

Boise State University

     Energy Policy Institute

Boston University

     Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology

     Climate Action Plan

     Earth & Environment Department

     Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies

          MA in Global Policy (MGP) with specialization in Environmental Policy

     Global Development Policy Center

          Economics in Context Initiative

          Global Economic Governance Initiative

               Trade and investment rules

                    Environment and Climate Change

     Institute for Global Sustainability

     Institute for Sustainable Energy

Brandeis University

     Office of Sustainability

          Campus groups and program

          Brandeis' Year on Climate Action

     Brandeis Sustainability Committee

     Climate Action Plan

     Environmental Studies Program

     Heller School

          Master in Public Policy

               Environmental Justice

          MA in Sustainable International Development

          Center for Global Development and Sustainability

               Program on Climate Change, Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods

    Faculty Against the Climate Threat (FACT)

          History of fossil fuel divestment at Brandeis

     Biodiversity at Brandeis

     Brandeis Climate Justice

     Samuels Center for Community Partnerships and Civic Transformation (COMPACT)

Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas)

     Center for Sustainability, Tourism and Transport

British Columbia, University of

     Connected Human-and-Natural Systems Lab

     Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences

          M.Sc. in Earth and Environmental Sciences Program

     Faculty of Forestry

     Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability


Brown University

     Climate & Development Lab

     Institute at Brown for Environment & Society

     School of Public Health

           Community Noise Lab

     Watson Institute

          Climate Solutions Lab

                Climate Pipeline Project

                Climate Syllabus Bank

C     [🔝]

Calgary, University of

     Energy Education

California, University of


          Carbon Neutrality Initiative

          Sustainable Investments

          UC-CSU NXTerra


          CoolClimate Network

          Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

              Electricity Markets & Policy

          UC Museum of Paleontology (UCMP)

          Law School

               Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE)

               Legal Planet

                      · “...a collaboration between faculty at UC Berkeley School of Law and UCLA School of Law,

                      provides insight and analysis on energy and environmental law and policy.”

          Rausser College of Natural Resources

               Berkeley Forests

                    Center for Fire Research and Outreach


          Aoki Water Justice Clinic

          California National Primate Research Center

          Civil & Environmental Engineering

          Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute (CMSI)

               Kelp restoration

          Lewis Center and the Institute of Transportation Studies

          School of Veterinary Medicine

               One Health Institute


          Center for Unconventional Security Affairs


     Los Angeles

          Civil & Environmental Engineering

          Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

               Center for Climate Science

               Center for Tropical Research (CTR)

          Law School

                Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

                Legal Planet

                      · “...a collaboration between faculty at UC Berkeley School of Law and UCLA School of Law,

                      provides insight and analysis on energy and environmental law and policy.”

          Lewis Center and the Institute of Transportation Studies


          Sierra Nevada Research Institute (SNRI)


          College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

     San Diego

          Scripps Institution of Oceanography

               Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes

     Santa Barbara

          Benioff Ocean Initiative

          Environmental Market Solutions Lab (emLab)

          Marine Science Institute

               Ocean and Coastal Policy Center (OCPC)

          National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS)

     Santa Cruz

          Center for Coastal Climate Resilience

          Global Environmental Justice Observatory

               Films & videos

California State University (CSU)

     UC-CSU NXTerra

Cambridge, University of

     Department of Geography

          MPhil in Anthropocene Studies

     Judge Business School

          Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance

               Cambridge Alternative Finance Collaboration Network

     Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability

Cape Town, University of

     Climate System Analysis Group

Carnegie Mellon University

     Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Carlton College

     Sustainability Improves Student Learning (SISL)

Central Asia, University of

     Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI)

Central Florida, University of

     National Center for Integrated Coastal Research

Chalmers University of Technology

     Center for Studies of Climate Change Denialism (CEFORCED)

Chicago, University of

     Energy Policy Institute

     Marine Biological Laboratory

          Ecosystems Center

          Semester in Environmental Science

Clark University

     School of Climate, Environment, and Society

     Graduate School of Geography

     Department of Sustainability and Social Justice

     George Perkins Marsh Institute

     Center for Geospatial Analytics

Colby College

     Buck Lab for Climate and Environment

College of the Atlantic

     Allied Whale

Colorado ~ Boulder, University of (CU)

     Center for Science & Technology Policy Research

          International Collective on Environment, Culture and Politics (ICE CaPs)

     Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

          Earth Science & Observation Center

          Sea Level Research Group

     Environmental Center

          Job listings

     Inside the Greenhouse

     Insitute of Arctic and Alpine Research  

     Masters of the Environment

     Western Water Assessment

     NEST (Nature, Environment, Science & Technology) Studio for the Arts

     Natural Hazards Center

     Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies

Colorado College

     State of the Rockies

Colorado State University

     Climbers for Bat Conservation

     Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

     School of Global Environmental Sustainability     

          Salazar Center for North American Conservation

          Connectivity Challenge

              Peregrine Accelerator for Conservation Impact [Rio Grande/Rio Bravo basin]

     Soil, Land Uses, and Climate Change Concentration, Major in Soil & Crop Sciences


Columbia University

     Columbia Climate School

          Center for International Earth Sciences Information Network (CIESIN)

          Masters in Climate & Society

     Columbia World Projects


     Earth and Environmental Engineering

     Earth Institute

          Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)

               Browse by subject

                   · CIESIN has a comprehensive one-page listing of key international environmental resources.

     International Research Institute for Climate and Society   

     Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

     Master of Science in Sustainability Management

          Certification of Professional Achievement in Sustainable Finance

     Sabine Center for Climate Change Law

     School of International and Public Affairs

          Center on Global Energy Policy

               Carbon Management Research Initiative (CaMRI)

          Energy & Environment concentration

     Climate Attribution

          · A joint initiative of LDEO and the Sabine Center

Concordia University

     Climate clock

Cornell University

     Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future

     Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions

     Environment & Sustainability

          Global Climate Change Science & Policy


     Cornell Wildlife Health Center

D     [🔝]

Delaware, University of

     Disaster Research Center

          Coastal Hazard, Equity, Economic Prosperity, and Resilience Hub

Dartmouth College

     Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy & Society

Dublin City College

     MSc in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society

Duke University

     Civil & Environmental Engineering graduate degree programs

     Environmental Law and Policy Clinic

     Nicholas School for the Environment

          Duke University Wetland Center

Duquesne University

     Center for Environmental Research and Education (CERE)

E     [🔝]

East Anglia, University of

     Global Environmental Justice Group

     Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research

Emerson College

     Global & Environmental Studies Minors

     Sustainability on campus

ETH Zurich

     International Political Economy and Environmental Politics

Exeter, University of

     Graduate School of Environment & Sustainability

          MSc in Environmental Policy & Society

F     [🔝]

Florida, University of

     Florida Museum of Natural History

          Thomson Earth Systems Institute

     Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)

     Levin College of Law

          Conservation Clinic

Florida Atlantic University (FAU)

     Center for Environmental Studies

          Climate Science Investigation (CSI)

G     [🔝]

Gastronomic Sciences, University of

Georgetown University

     Earth Commons Institute

     Georgetown Law School

          Georgetown Climate Center

Georgia, University of

     Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health (University of Georgia)


     Savannah River Ecology Laboratory     

George Mason University

     Center for Climate Change Communication

Ghent University (Tree Water and Carbon monitoring Network)

Gonzaga University

     Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment

H     [🔝]

Haifa, University of

     Global Green MBA program     

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)

     European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR)

     Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme

Harvard University

     Arnold Arboretum

          DaRin Butz Research Internship Program

     Center for the Environment

          Solar Geoengineering Research Program

     Chan Environmental Justice Student Organization

     Climate Action Plan

     Climate Change Solutions Fund

     Divest Harvard

     Divest Harvard Alumni

     Harvard Environmental Economics Program (HEEP)

     Harvard Faculty for Divestment

     Harvard Forest

          Witness Tree Social Media Project

     Harvard Law School

          Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program

          Environmental initiatives

          Environmental & Energy Law Program

               Regulatory Tracker

     Kennedy School of Government

          Harvard Project on Climate Agreements

          Belfer Center

               Environment & Natural Resources

     Office of the Vice Provost for Climate & Sustainability

     Planetary Health Alliance

     Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability


     T.H. Chan School of Public Health

          C-Change: Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment

     Tackling climate change

     Weatherhead Center for International Affairs

          Climate Pipeline Project

Hawaii, University of

     School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

     Sea Level Center

Heidelberg University

     Heidelberg Center for the Environment

Higher School of Economics

     Institute of Natural Resources Economics and Environmental Policy (INREEP)

Hokkaido University

     Institute of Low Temperature Science

I     [🔝]

Idaho, University of

     Wilderness Research Center

Imperial College London

     Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires  

Indian School of Business

     International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) research network

Indiana State University

     Center for Bat Research, Outreach, and Conservation     

Indiana University

     Maurer School of Law

          Conservation Law Clinic

     Ostrom Workshop

          Social-Ecological Systems framework

     Paul O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Iowa State University

     Environmental Science

          Environmental job listings

J     [🔝]

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

     Sustainability & Environmental Justice minor

Johns Hopkins University

     Whiting School of Engineering

          Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE)

                    COVID-19 Dashboard

     Masters of Science In Environmental Sciences & Policy

K     [🔝]

Kansas, University of

     Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science  

     Environmental Studies Program

          Learning Pathways

Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT)

     Climate and Environment Center

Kent, University of

     Durrell Insittute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE)

     School of Anthropology and Conservation

Kiel University

     Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences

          Institute for Natural Resource Conservation

               Department of Ecosystem Management

King's College London

     Climate Law and Governance Centre

     Environmental Research Group

King's University

     King's Centre for Visualization in Science

L     [🔝]

Lakehead University

     Department of Geography and the Environment

Lancaster University


Lapland, University of

     Arctic Center

Laurentian University

     Vale Living With Lakes Centre

          Climate Change and Multiple Stressor Aquatic Research program

Leeds, University of

     Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere & Forest (LEAF) Centre

     A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries

Leuphana University

     Research group Governance, Participation & Sustainability

          Sustainability Governance [blog]

Lewis & Clark College

     Environmental Studies Program

           Ecotypes: Exploring environmental ideas

London School of Economics

     Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

     MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change

Louisiana State University

     Center for River Studies

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

     Rachel Carson Center

Lund University

     Centre for Environmental and Climate Science

           ClimBEco Graduate Research School

M     [🔝]

Maine, University of

     Center for Research on Sustainable Forests

     Climate Change Institute

          Climate Reanalyzer

          Maine Climate News

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

     Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy

Maryland, University of

     Center for Environmental Science

     Center for Global Sustainability    

     Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

     National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)

     School of Public Policy

          Center for Global Sustainability

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

     Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR)

          Climate Action Through Education (CATE)

     Climate CoLab

     Climate Grand Challenges

     Environmental Solutions Initiative

     Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change

     MIT Climate

          · ”...MIT’s central portal to all the work happening across MIT on climate change, 

            and a place for worldwide discussion and learning."

     MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC)

     MIT Divest

     MIT SeaGrant

     Sloan School

          Sloan Sustainability Initiative

     The Engine

Massachusetts, University of


          Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment

               UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry Program

          Center for Braiding Indigenous knowledges and science (CBIKS)



          Center for Governance and Sustainability

          Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights

          Sustainable Solutions Lab (SSL)

               Northeast Climate Justice Research Collaborative

          McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies

               Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance


          Climate Change Initiative

McGill University

     Centre for Indigenous Conservation and Development Alternatives (CICADA)

Michigan, University of

     Center for Sustainable Systems (CSS)

     Climate Action Forum

     College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

          Department of Forestry

               Forest Carbon and Climate Program

     Global CO2 Initiative

     School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS)

          Sustainability & Development

          Institute for Climate Change Biology (IGCB)

Michigan State University

    Animal Legal & Historical Center

     College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

          Department of Community Sustainability

     Forest Carbon and Climate Program

         Graduate Certificate in Forest Carbon Science, Policy, and Management°

     Kellogg Biological Station

          Michigan Inland Lake Shorelines

Michigan Technological University

    Great Lakes Research Center

Middlebury College

     Center for the Blue Economy

     Climate Action Capacity Project (CACP)


     Environmental Council

     School of the Environment  

     Sustainability (including Middlebury Energy2028)


Minnesota, University of

     Center for Forest Ecology

     Institute on the Environment


     · see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Montana, University of

     Bird Ecology Lab

     Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone Initiative

     Center for Natural Resources & Environmental Policy

     W.A. Franke College of Forestry & Conservation

          Climate Change Studies

Montana State University

     Landscape Biodiversity Lab

     Montana Institute on Ecosystems

Moravian University

     Environmental Studies & Sciences program

N     [🔝]

Nebraska-Lincoln, University of

     Center for Great Plains Studies

Nelson Mandela University


Nevada, University of

     Global Water Center

New Mexico, University of  

     Species in Peril Project

New South Wales, University of (UNSW) - Sydney

     Climate Change Research Center (CCRC)

     Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets

          Energy Sustainability through Knowledge and Information Exchange and Sharing (ESKIES)

New York University

     MA in Environmental Conservation Education

     School of Law

          State Energy & Environmental Impact Center

North Carolina State University

     North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS)

North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of

     Center for Climate, Energy, Environment & Economics

Northeastern University

     Global Resilience Institute

     MS in Environmental Science & Policy

     School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs

Northern Arizona University (NAU)

     Insitute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Northern British Columbia, University of

      Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute (NRESI)

Northwestern University

     Paula M. Trienens Institute for Sustainability & Energy

Notre Dame

     Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN)

          ND-GAIN Country Index

University of Nottingham

     Centre of Environmental Management

          · Now closed

O     [🔝]

Ohio State University

     Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

     Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering

          Room to Roam: Y2Y Wildlife Movements

Örebro University

     Advancing Strong Sustainability in the Nordic Social Science and Humanities (StrongSSH) network

Oregon, University of

     Center for Environmental Futures

     Environmental Studies Program

     Glacier Lab

     Institute for Policy Research and Engagement

          Resource Assistance for Rural Environments

Oregon State University

     College of Forestry

          Traditional Ecological Knowledge Lab

     Forage Information System

          Grassland organizations

     National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)

          College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

                    Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation

Oregon State University-Cascades

     Human and Ecosystem Resiliency and Sustainability Lab

          Northwest Bat Hub

Oxford, University of

     Department of Zoology

          Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU)

     Environmental Change Institute

     Future of Humanity Institute

     MSc in Energy Systems

     MSc in Environmental Change and Management

     Oxford Climate Journalism Network

     Oxford Martin School


          Oxford Martin Programme on the Illegal Wildlife Trade

     School of Geography and the Environment

P     [🔝]

Pace Univeristy

     Environmental Studies and Science

     Elisabeth Haub School of Law

          Energy and Climate Center

          Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies

          Land Use Law Center

          Pace-NRDC Food Law Initiative

          Brazil-American Institute for Law and Environment (BAILE)

Parsons School of Design

     Healthy Materials Lab

Pennsylvania, University of

     Clean Energy Conversions Laboratory

     Ian L. McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology

     Kleinman Center for Energy Policy

     Masters in Environmental Studies

     Penn Program in Environmental Humanities

          My Climate Story

               Campus Correspondents Initiative

     Population Studies Center

          Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative, or (SC)²

               · "hub for critical social science research on the climate emergency"

     School of Veterinary Medicine

          Northeast Wildlife Disease Cooperative (NWDC)


          Risk Management and Decision Processes Center

          Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Initiative

               Wharton Climate Center

     Weitzman School of Design


Pennsylvania State University (PennState)

     Water, Health, and Nutrition Laboratory

     Biodiversity hotspots

     Penn State Sustainability Institute

Pittsburgh, University of

     Center for Sustainable Business

Portland State University

     Institute for Economics and the Environment

Princeton University

     Andlinger Center for Energy & the Environment

     Carbon Mitigation Initiative

     Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment

     Fossil Fuel Dissociation

     High Meadows Environment Institute

          Carbon Mitigation Initiative     

               Stabilization wedges     

     Net-Zero America study

          REPEAT Project (Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit)

     Science & Global Security (SGS)

Purdue University

     Environmental and Ecological Engineering

     Environmental Justice

     Institute for a Sustainable Future


Queen's University

     Department of Meteorology

Queensland Univerisity of Technology

     Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

          Banana Biotechnology


Rajiv Gandhi University

     Environmental Sciences

Reading, University of

     Department of Meteorology

Reed College

     2021 Divestment update

Rhode Island, University of

     Biocontrol Laboratory

     Metcalf Institute

Rhode Islands School of Design

     Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies

Rice University

     Baker Institute for Public Policy

          US-Mexico border

     Wiess School of Natural Sciences

         Master of Energy Economics

Rockefeller University

     Center for Field Research in Ethology and Ecology


     School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

          Department of Environmental Sciences

               Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)

          Department of Human Ecology

     Rutgers Climate Institute

S     [🔝]

St. Lawrance University

     Environmental Studies

San Diego State University

     Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias (IRSC)

San Francisco, University of

     MA in International Studies

          Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice Concentration 

Saskatchewan, University of

     Global Institute for Water Security

Shippensburg University

     Center for Land Use and Sustainability

Simon Fraser University

     Act on Climate Team (ACT)

               Low Carbon Resilience

                · Formerly the “Adaptation to Climate Change Team"

     Pacific Water Research Centre

Smith College

     Climate Change Environmental Concentration

Southern African Wildlife College

Southern California, University of (USC)


Southern Methodist University (SMU)

     Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center


     Carnegie Institution for Science

          Department of Global Ecology

     Civil and Environmental Engineering

          Atmosphere/Energy Program

     Doerr School of Sustainability

     Precourt Institute for Energy     

     Stanford Earth: School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Science

State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF)

     Center for Native Peoples and the Environment

Stellenbosch University

     African Wildlife Economy Institute

Sterling College     

     Climate Justice minor°

Stetson University

     Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy

Stirling, University of

     Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy

Stockholm University

     Stockholm Resilience Centre

Stony Brook University

     School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

          Institute for Ocean Conservation Science

Strathclyde, University of

     Centre for Environmental Law & Governance

SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

     Center for Native Peoples and the Environment

Sydney, University of

     Sydney Environment Institute

          Multispecies Justice Collective

T     [🔝]

Technion: Israel Institute of Technology

     Samuel Neaman Institute

Technische Hochschule Köln

     Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)

Tennessee, University of

     Climate & Climate Change Concentration in Geography

Texas–Austin, University of

     Energy Institute

Texas A&M University

     Agrilife Extension

          Bats in schools

                Texas laws pertaining to bats

     Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute

     Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies

Texas State University

     Meadows Center for Water and the Environment

Texas Tech University

     Climate Science Center

     Natural Science Research Laboratory

Toronto, University of

     Environmental Governance Lab

     School of Graduate Studies

          Sustainability Management  

Toronto Metropolitan University

     School of Urban and Regional Planning

          Ecological Design Lab

     Yellowhead Institute

Trinity College Dublin

     Connecting Nature

          Urban by Nature

Tufts University

     Undergraduate departments & academic programs

          Biology Department

               Climate Change Biology

          Environmental Studies Program

     Graduate schools & programs

          Agriculture, Food & Environment Program

          Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

               Center for Animals & Public Policy

               MS in Conservation Medicine (MCM)

               One Health Workforce

          Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning

          Fletcher School

               Center for International Environment and Resource Policy

                    Climate Policy Lab

                    Climate Smart blog

               Ecologies of Justice

               Fletcher Arctic Initiative

               Shared Waters Lab

         Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

               New Entry Sustainable Farming Project

          M.S. Programs in

               Offshore Wind Energy Engineering  

               Sustainable Water Management

     University College

          Climate Resilience Institute


          Office of Sustainability

               EcoAmbassador Program

          Office of the Trustees


                 · Contains several focusing on climate change investments

     Environmental initiatives


          Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE)

U     [🔝]

University at Buffalo, the State University of New York

     Environmental Studies     

University College London (UCL)

     Department of Geography

          Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS)

     Global Governance Institute

University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

     Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

     Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (IWJ)

University of Technology Sydney

      Institute for Sustainable Futures

Utah, University of

     Global Change & Sustainability Center

     Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy

Utah State University (USU)

     Ecology Center

     Department of Wildland Resources

          Berrryman Institute

Utrecht University

     Copernicus Institute on Sustainable Development

     Copernicus Land Change Lab

          HYDE Project

V     [🔝]

Vanderbilt University

     Vanderbilt Climate Change Initiative

     Divest Vanderbilt

Vermont, University of

     Food Systems

     Gund Institute for Environment

Vermont Law School

     Institute for Energy and the Environment

     Center for Agriculture and Food Systems

     Farm and Energy Initiative

Victoria, University of

     Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)


     Department of Geography and the Environment

Virginia Tech

     Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation

Vrieje Universty

     Institute for the Environment

W     [🔝]

Wageningen University

     Environmental Policy Group

     Environmental Systems Analysis Group

Wake Forest University

     Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (CEES)

Washington, University of

     Center for Environmental Politics

          Climate Impacts Group

     Center for Health and the Global Environment (ChanGE)

     College of Engineering

          Clean Energy Institute

     College of the Environment

          School of Marine & Environmental Affairs

          Ocean Nexus Center

     Polar Science Center

     School of Law

          Native American Law Center

     Urban Ecology Research Laboratory (UERL)

Washington University in St. Louis

     Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group

West Point, US Military Academy at

     Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

Western Carolina University

     Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines

Western Washington University

     Curriculum for the Bioregion

Widener University

     Delaware Law School

          Environmental Rights Institute

Wisconsin - Madison, University of

     Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

          Carnivore Co-existence Lab (CCL)

          Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE)

               Edge Effects

          Center for Climatic Research

     Sustainable Management

Wisconsin - Stout, University of

     LAKES Undergraduate Research Experience

Wyoming, University of

     University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center

X     [🔝]

Xavier University

     Environmental Science

Y     [🔝]

Yale University

     Center for Business and the Environment

          Financing and Deploying Clean Energy Certificate Program

     Center for Environmental Justice (YCEJ)

     Center for Environmental Law & Policy

     Institute for Biospheric Studies

     School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

          Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative

               Tropical forest landscape conservation online certificate program

          Yale Forests

     Environmental Humanities Initiative

     Yale Endowment Justice Coalition

     Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

York University

     YorkSpace: Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC)

Z     [🔝]

Zhejiang University

     School of Earth Sciences

          Institute of Climate & Weather Information and Forecast

Higher education institutions & programs, A>Z

Climate change & energy highlighted

While most programs listed here cover climate change, those with a principal focus on climate change & energy are highlighted in yellow.

An important note about

"University of..."

In order not to overwhelm the section under U (for "University of..."), place-based institutions beginning with "University of __" have been alphabetized under the place name (e.g., "University of Faber" would be found under "Faber, University of").

Jump to  A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

This listing:

  · contains college & university departments,

    degree programs, campus groups &

    institutions, and external resources;

  · is being compiled incrementally on an ad

    hoc basis; and

  · welcomes additions & corrections.

Other listings:

For a more thorough listing of environmental

   degree programs, see the

   Academic Programs database at

   AASHE's Campus Sustainability Hub.

Additional listings include:

     · Environmental Policy Programs

           @ US News & World Report

     · Env'l Management Degree Programs
