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Climate change & Biodiversity

are highlighted

While many of the foundations listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core institutional focus on one or the other are highlighted. Please note that this is a work-in-progress: many foundations are yet to be classified, and keep in mind that there are no straightforward criteria and widely accepted criteria for determining whether a foundation is “climate-focused” or “biodiversity-focused.”


11th Hour Project

444S Foundation



Abell Foundation

Agua Fund

Alaska Conservation Foundation

Alliance for Justice

Altman Foundation, Jenifer

Amalgamated Bank Charitable Foundation

American Jewish World Service

American Wildlife Conservation Foundation

     · "In 1970, the American Game Protective and Propagation Association joined with the New York

     State Conservation Council Foundation and American Game Association Foundation, renamed

     in 1978 as the American Wildlife Research Foundation. In 2003, the name was finally changed

     to American Wildlife Conservation Foundation to more accurately reflect its broader mission

     and program."*

Americana Foundation

An Environmental Trust, Inc.

Andes Amazon Fund (New Ventures Fund)

Andrew Currie Fund

Andrew Norman Foundation

Animal Welfare Trust

Annenberg Foundation

Anthropocene Institute

Appalachian Stewardship Foundation

Arabella Philanthropic Investment Advisors

Arcadia Fund

Arcus Foundation

Argosy Foundation

Arkay Foundation

Arntz Family Foundation

As You Sow

As You Sow Foundation

Atlantis Blue Project Foundation

Audacious Project

Aveda Corporation

Avery Dennison Foundation


Ballmer Group

Band Foundation

Barbara Delano Foundation

Barr Foundation

Baxa Family Foundation

Beagle Charitable Foundation

Beatrice R. & Joseph A. Coleman Foundation

Bella Vista Foundation

Ben & Jerry's Foundation

Benwood Foundation

Bezos Earth Fund

     · does not have a "public-facing web site," according to linked story.

Bloomberg Philanthropies


     Public Health

Blue Foundation

Blue Moon Fund

Blumenthal Foundation

Bobolink Foundation

Bonwood Foundation

Bonwood Social Investments

Boston Foundation

Both Ends Foundation

Botkin Foundation

Boulder Community Foundation

Bradshaw-Knight Foundation

Brainerd Foundation

Brico Foundation

Brookby Foundation

Bullitt Foundation


C.S Fund

Caldera Foundation

California Wellness Foundation

Campion Foundation

CASA - Center for Socio-Environmental Support

Casey and Family Foundation

Cedar Tree Foundation

Central Valley Community Foundation (formerly Fresno Regional Foundation)

Changing Horizons Fund

Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Chino Cienega Foundation

Chorus Foundation

Christensen Fund

Christina Heroy Foundation

Circle of Service Foundation

Claneil Foundation

Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation

Clean Air Fund

Cleveland Foundation

Climate Advocacy Lab (formerly Skoll Global Threats Fund)

Climate and Land Use Alliance

Climate Cent Foundation [Switzerland]

Climate Emergency Fund (CEF)

Climate Imperative Foundation

Climate Resilience Fund

     · “...mobilizes resources to support resilience and sustainability outcomes in communities across the U.S.

       and for the natural systems on which they depend. Together with our partners, we aim to expand our

       collective capacity to create a more adaptive, sustainable, climate-resilient society.”

ClimateWorks Foundation

Code Blue Foundation

Colorado Plateau Foundation (Arizona Community Foundation)

Columbia Foundation

Common Counsel Foundation

Common Sense Fund

Community Foundation Boulder County

Community Foundation Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

Compton Foundation

Conservation Alliance

     Confluence Program

Cornerstone Campaign

CrossCurrents Foundation

Crown Family Philanthropies

CRUSA Foundation

Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation

Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation


Dalio Foundation

Dan and Sheryl Tishman Family Foundation

David and Lucile Packard Foundation

David Rockefeller Fund

David Suzuki Foundation

Davis Foundation

Deep Search Foundation

Dietel Partners

Disney Conservation Fund

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation


Dyer-Ives Foundation/John Hunting



Earth Friends



Edgerton Foundation

Educational Foundation of America

Edwards Mother Earth Foundation

Eileen Fisher, Inc.

Elizabeth B. and Arthur E. Roswell Foundation

Elizabeth Haub Foundations for Environmental Law and Policy

Emerson Collective Foundation

     Emerson Collective


Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation

Endurance Fund

Energy Foundation

Energy Innovation

Enlyst Fund

Environmental Funders Network

Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation

European Climate Foundation

European Foundation Centre

Eyes on the Future Fund


Farm Aid

Fidelity Foundation

Fink Family Foundation

Fledgling Fund

Flora Family Foundation



Ford Foundation

Foundation for the Carolinas

Franciscan Sisters of Mary

Fred Gellert Family Foundation

Fresh Water Protection

Fund for Lake Michigan

Fund for New Jersey


Gaea Foundation

Gaia Fund

Garfield Foundation

Gates Family Foundation

Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelly Foundation

General Service Foundation

George B. Storer Foundation

George Gund Foundation

Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

Germeshausen Foundation

Global Challenges Fund

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Partnership for Sharks and Rays

Goldman Environmental Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Grace Communications Foundation

GRACE Communications Foundation

Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment

Grassroots Fund

Grassroots International

Great Lakes Fishery Trust

Great Lakes Protection Fund

Greater New Orleans Foundation

Grove Foundation

Growald Family Fund

Gund Foundation


Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

Hanley Foundation

Harder Foundation

Harold K. L. Castle Foundation

Harold M. and Adeline S. Morrison Family Foundation

Harris and Frances Block Foundation

Harte Charitable Foundation

Hawaii Community Foundation

Heather Henson

Heinrich Boell Foundation

Heinz Endowment, Vira I.

Heinz Endowments

Heising-Simons Foundation

Helmsley Charitable Trust, Leona M. and Harry B.

Henry M. Jackson Foundation

Herbert W. Hoover Foundation

Hewlett Foundation, William and Flora

High Tide Foundation

Hildreth Faily Fund of The Maine Community Foundation

Hildreth Family Fund

Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice

HKH Foundation

Hollomon Price Foundation

Houston Endowment

Hudson River Foundation


Ikea Foundation

Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation

Independent Council for Safe Energy Fund

Innovo Foundation

Institute for Climate and Society [Brazil]

Institute for Global Communications

Inter-American Development Bank

International Community Foundation

International Community Foundation (Kinninger)

Island Foundation

Istituto Clima e Sociedade

Ittleson Foundation

Ivey Foundation


J.M. Kaplan Fund

Jacob & Terese Hershey Foundation

Janelia Foundation

Jenifer Altman Foundation

Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust

Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation

Jiji Foundation

JMG Foundation

John Merck Fund

Johnson Family Foundation

Johnson Foundation

Joyce Foundation

JPB Foundation

JRS Biodiversity Foundation

Jubelirer Family Fund

Julian Grace Foundation

Julian Price Family Foundation


Kann Rasmussen Foundation, V.

Kaplan Fund, J. M.

KEEN Footwear (KEEN Effect)

Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment

Kelley Family Foundation

Kendeda Fund

Kindle Project

Kingfisher Foundation

Kirkpatrick Foundation

Kohlberg Foundation

Kongsgaard-Goldman Foundation

KR Foundation

Kresge Foundation


LaGuntza Foundation

Laird Norton Family Foundation

Lambi Fund of Haiti

Lampert Byrd Foundation

Lawrence Foundation

Lawson Valentine Foundation

Lazar Foundation

Leighty Foundation

Lemmon Foundation

Leon Lowenstein Foundation

Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

Liberty Hill Foundation

Liberty Prairie Foundation

Libra Foundation


Light Family Foundation

Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust

Lily Auchincloss Foundation

Linden Family Foundation

Linden Trust for Conservation

Lion's Share

Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund

Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation

Loewy Family Foundation

Lounsbery Foundation

Lumpkin Family Foundation

Lyndhurst Foundation


MacArthur Foundation, John D. and Catherine T.

     Lever for Change

          Bold Solutions Network

               2030 Climate Challenge

Magnolia Charitable Trust

Maine Climate Funders Network

Maki Foundation

Marcus Foundation

Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

Marin Community Foundation

Marine Ventures Foundation

Marisla Foundation

Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

Matthews-Multedo Family Fund

MAVA Foundation

Maverick Lloyd Foundation

Max McGraw Foundation

Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation

McCune Charitable Foundation

McGovern Foundation

McIntosh Foundation

McKinney Family Foundation

McKnight Foundation

McNulty Foundation

Merck Family Fund

Merrill G. and Emita E. Hastings Foundation

Mertz Gilmore Foundation

Meyer Memorial Trust

Michael Haas

Milner Family Foundation

Mitchell Foundation

Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas

Mize Family Foundation

Moore Foundation, Gordon and Betty

Morris Animal Foundation

Morton and Jane Blaustein Foundation

Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart

Moxie Foundation

MSC Foundation

Mulago Foundation

Munson Foundation, Curtis and Edith


Nathan Cummings Foundation

National Environmental Education Foundation

National Fish Wildlife Foundation

     · A private conservation grant-maker that works "with both the public and private sectors to protext and

     restore our nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats."

National Forest Foundation

National Geographic Society

National Marine Sanctuary Foundation

National Park Foundation

Needmor Fund

New Cycle Foundation

New England Biolabs Foundation

New England Grassroots Environment Fund

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

New Place Fund

New Priorities Foundation

New Venture Fund

New Venture Fund

New York Community Trust

Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust

NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program

Nooru Foundation

Norcross Wildlife Foundation

Northwest Fund for the Environment

NRG Systems, Inc.


Oak Foundation

Ocean Foundation

One Earth

Orchard Foundation

Orton Family Foundation

Ottinger Founation

Outrider Foundation

Overbrook Foundation

Overlook International Foundation


Packard Foundation, David and Lucile

Panta Rhea Foundation

Park Foundation

Partners for a New Economy

Passport Foundation

Patagonia Inc

Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation

Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Paul M. Angell Family Foundation

Penney Family Fund

Pew Charitable Trusts


Philip Stephenson Foundation

Pierce Family Foundation

Pisces Foundation

Planet Heritage Foundation

Planet Pledge/LDF

Porini Foundation

Porter Family Foundation

Porter Foundation


Prince Charitable Trusts

Pritzker Innovation Fund

Prospect Hill Foundation

Pulliam Trust

Putnam Foundation


Quixote Foundation


R.A. Hunt Foundation

Ralph E. Ogden Foundation Inc.


Recycling Partnership

Regina B. Frankenberg Foundation

REI Coop

Renstrom-Perkowitz Social Investing & Bonwood Foundation

Resources Legacy Fund / Resources Law Group

Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation

Robertson Foundation

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Rockefeller Family Fund

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Roddenberry Foundation

Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment

Roy A. Hunt Foundation

Russell Family Foundation


S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

Sacharuna Foundation

San Diego Foundation

San Francisco Foundation

Sand County Foundation

Sandler Foundation

Sapelo Foundation

Scherman Foundation

Schmidt Family Foundation (11th Hour Racing)

Seal Bay Fund

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples

Sidney E. Frank Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Sills Family Foundation

Singing Field Foundation

Skoll Foundation

Solidago Foundation

Spitzer Charitable Trust

Springcreek Foundation

Stanley Foundation

Stellar Blue Fund

Stewardship Council

Stiftung Mercator

Stranahan Foundation

Sudbury Foundation

Summer Fund II

Summit Charitable Foundation, Inc

SunLight Time Foundation

Surdna Foundation

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders

Swift Foundation

Switzer Foundation


Tellus Mater Foundation

Tempest Advisors

Ten Strands

The George B. Storer Foundation

The Ida and Robert Gordon Family Foundation, Inc.

The Lia Fund

The Mullum Trust

The Philanthropic Intiative

The Redford Center

The Solutions Project

The Vermont Community Foundation

Thomas W. Haas Foundation

Thousand Currents (Formerly International Development Exchange, IDEX)

Threshold Foundation

Tides Canada

Tides Foundation

     Tides Advocacy

          Health & Environment

Tiffany & Co. Foundation

Tikva Grassroots Empowerment Fund

Tomberg Family Philanthropies

TomKat Charitable Trust

Toronto Atmospheric Fund

Tortuga Foundation

Town Creek Foundation

True North Foundation

Tundra Glacier Fund

Turner Foundation


U.S Fish & Wildlife Service

U.S. Agency For International Development

Ulupono Initiative

UN Foundation

Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock

United Nations Foundation

Unity Avenue Foundation


V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation

Vermont Community Foundation

Vervane Foundation

Volgenau Foundation

Volo Foundation


W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Waitt Foundation

Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation

Wallace Genetic Foundation

Wallace Global Fund

Walton Family Foundation

Water Foundation

Weeden Foundation

Wege Foundation

Weissman Family Foundation

WestWind Foundation

Whitley Fund for Nature

Whole Systems Foundation

Wiancko Charitable Foundation

Wilburforce Foundation

Will Parish

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

William C. Kenney Foundation

William Penn Foundation

Windward Fund

Winslow Foundation

Wolfensohn Family Foundation

Women's Foundation of California


Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Zennstrom Philanthropies

Zoom Foundation

Zumiez, Inc.

Environmental funders ~ A>Z listing

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This page consists of an alphabetical listing of charitable institutions (mostly foundations but also some corporations) that provide funding for environmental, conservation, and sustainability purposes and activities.

The listing was originally compiled in June 2019 from (1) the Membership Directory of the Environmental Grantmakers Association  and (2) the Members & program participants of the Biodiversity Funders Group.

Additional grantmakers and foundations have been added since, but it is important to keep in mind that there are many more grantmakers working in the environmental arena that are not listed here.

Links to each funder are being added on an ad hoc incremental basis; the vast majority are not yet in place, but most funders will be easily found through a web search.

For other directories and general information, see the Environmental funding & grantmaking page.