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General information

Lebanon @  CIA Factbook

Insititutions ~ International

Lebanon @ United Nations

Lebanon @ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Institutions ~ Government agencies

Ministry of the Environment

Central Administration of Statistics

Parliamentarian Committee for Environment

Ministry of Public Health

Ministry of Hydraulic and Electrical Resources

Council for Development and Reconstruction

Interagency Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

Institutions ~ Parastatal agencies

National Council for Scientific Research

Chamber of Commerce

Lebanese and American Universities

Institutions ~ Private sector

Lebanese Businessmen Association

Institutions ~ NGOs

ℹ️Lebanon CLEAN AND GREEN Directory of Environmental Groups

ℹ️Lebanon Research Guide: NGOs

Association for Forest Development and Conservation

Lebanese Environment Forum

Green Forum

Green Line

Society for the Protection of Nature

Environmental politics

Green Party of Lebanon


National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Forum

Environmental initiatives

· Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity under the CBD (PDF source)

· National Ozone Unit Institutional Strengthening project for the Implementation of Montreal Protocol in Lebanon (website)

· Update and follow up programmes of all UN agencies and identify existing links among the various interventions as well as those related to the national needs (source).

· Solid Waste Management: MoE has prepared a strategic plan for rational and effective management of solid waste (source).

· Institutional strengthening (source)

     - Political conflict in and around Lebanon has hindered administrative structures and human resource abilities to address environmental problems for decades. Recent institutional strengthening has resulted in the creation of several ministries including the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Administrative Reform.

· Fresh and marine water management  (source)

     - The Ministry of Environment protects and ensures the sustainable use of water resources in addition to preventing pollution from human activity. The Ministry of Energy and Water distributes, regulates consumption and manages fresh water resources. These agencies and a number of international agencies are working on the fresh water sector.

· Energy efficiency: specifically cooperation between the Lebanese Centre for Energy Conservation and the Italian Ministry of the Environment (article).

· Alleviate the national contribution to climate change by reducing GHG emissions.

     - Improved quality and quantity of GHG information from energy and industrial production by awarding industrial and commercial companies which communicated their greenhouse gas emissions to the state. (source)

· National campaign to combat forest fires which aims to strengthen coordination between all related institutions and to unify their efforts to improve forest fire prevention and fighting (FAO PDF).

· Creation of land-zoning maps to aid in the development of seven new Nature Reserves protected for their habitats, ecology and biodiversity importance (FAO PDF).

Savana Vida & Nicholas April of Brandeis University developed this page in 2022 & 2017 respectively.


Also see the Country data sources page.