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Land use hub >

Contents below:

     · General information

       · International agrements & organizations

           · Initiatives & NGOs

             · Historical land use analysis

               · Sustainable land use & management

                 · Timeline of important milestones

                   · Land degradation neutrality (LDN)

General information

1977 UN Conference on Desertification

Global Restoration Monitor @ GEA

Land degradation & desertification @ WHO


   · English, French, Spanish, and German translations available

Land degradation: An Overview @ NRCS

     · A great source for an overview of the issues surrounding land degradation and desertification

Soil Erosion and Degradation @ WWF

Soil degradation @ FAO

Global Desertification Vulnerability Map

     · Useful for understanding the global distribution of desertification vulnerability

Desertification & drought @ EC


Restoration Policy Accelerator @ WRI

International agreements & organizations

UN Convention to Combat Desertification

      UN Treaties page

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

     · Provides funds and investments for efforts that reverse land degradation

African Initiative for Combatting Desertification

Initiatives & NGOs

Economics of Land Degradation (EDL)

Global Evergreening Alliance

Land Management

Land use & Livelihoods Initiative @ Global Development Policy Center, Boston University

Spatial Initiatives


     · Small Grants Programme: supports local and indigenous communities restore degraded landd

Land Use Planning

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Historical land use analysis

HYDE Project

Sustainable Land Development & Management

Global Evergreening Alliance

Land Management

Land use & Livelihoods Initiative @ Global Development Policy Center, Boston University

Spatial Initiatives


     • Small Grants Programme: supports local and indigenous communities restore degraded landd

Land Use Planning

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

     • How people/communities plan and regulate land use

Timeline of Important Milestones (reverse chronology)

2015: 2030 Agenda SDG 15

     · Recognizes the role sustainable development has in reversing land degradation andcombatting desertification

2012: Future We Want Paragraphs 205-209

2010: UN Decade on Desertification  

·      2010–2020 is Decade for Deserts and Fight Against Desertification to promote action that will protect the drylands

2008: CSD-16 Chapter 2

2006: International Year of Deserts and Desertification

2006: International Workshop on Climate and Land Degradation

2000: 8th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

1996: UNCCD

1992: Agenda 21 Chapter 10 and Chapter 12

·      “Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Combating Desertification and Drought”

Initiatives – Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)

Land Degradation Neutrality

     · Multi-sector partnership that aims to mitigate the competiton to control land resources to prevent social and political instability

Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Project @ IUCN

Achieving LDN @ UNFCCC

Land use, land degradation & desertification

Global Drought Snapshot 2023